UnLimited is a VITAL ProJeX school-based program which introduces young students to a powerful and unique group environment where they will explore their unlimited, individual potential, and at the same time, the potential of those around them.
Young people today can miss the chance to learn or grow positive values. This course allows participants the opportunity to be an integral part of a team, and to demonstrate (and experience) the integration of healthy values. Some of these values include trust, respect, commitment, responsibility, resilience, consideration of others, high self-esteem along with around 45 others which are intentionally integrated into the program.
For many youth ‘at risk’, this will be the first time they have experienced some of these values in real life. Through addressing values, the UnLimited course deals with life’s core issues, which then has a positive impact on negative behaviours often displayed by young people. Issues such as bullying, poor academic achievement through low self-esteem, substance abuse, insecurity, lack of responsibility and self-harm are often corrected when these values are integrated into their lives.